Let's Connect!

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

3-Day Video....

I've made a little video using the some of the same photos as the two previous blog posts. But it tells our team's story and how we came together.


PS....there is music, so if you're watching this at work, I'd put on your headphones.

1 comment:

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

OK, so, you came by my desk and you asked if I saw the bloggy video. I asked you if it would make me cry - you vehemently said "no!" "NO!" I asked twice, and still you said, "no".

It did. You lied.

I think it's because I find that I have a friend, who gave so much of herself in time, money and effort for another friend who kicked cancer's ass.

I am honored to know you Kelley. And, for the record, I knew you would kick that walk's ass too!

And, you did!
