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Friday, January 06, 2012

Pinterest Review: Cinnamon Rolls on the Waffle Iron

This has been floating around pinterest for quite some time.  The idea of using your waffle iron to make cinnamon rolls, cookies, brownies, or anything else under the sun.  Rachel Ray even did waffle iron cooking as a spot light.

I mean, if Rachel Ray is doing it.....

So, I thought I'd take a stab at making cinnamon rolls on the waffle iron as seen on Pinterest.  The key to this is that you use canned cinnamon rolls.  I have not seen a recipe using "from scratch" rolls.  Therefore, this was done using canned cinnamon rolls.  

(Don't get me wrong.  I don't mind a roll from a can now and again.)
(But once you've made your own from scratch?  Well.  There's just no comparison.)

Here's my Real Deal review on making these.


  • No need to wait for the oven to preheat
  • No messy pans (other than your waffle iron)
  • Easy breakfast
  • With Rachel Ray's Waffle Week, and other pinterest pins doing similar things, we thought that they were eaten as waffles rather than rolls (I mean, silly me....it is made on a waffle iron).  While the original poster showed a thicker end product, I just through they'd spread out thinner with our really heavy iron.  I thought if they'd do that, we'd be able to eat them like a waffle, rather than a roll.  Guess what?  Not so much. These are VERY dense and thick.  My suggestion would be to flatten them out some and then put them on the iron if you want to eat them like a waffle. If you want a "roll", then leave as is.
Otherwise, the original poster's tutorial is spot on.  Very helpful and easy to follow.

Here's how they do it:

Heat up your waffle iron.  We have a very old, and very well seasoned Sunbeam.  And as I mentioned, heavy.  The lid on this sucker isn't light (again, which is why I thought they'd spread the rolls out a bit more).   It's so old that the power cord is wrapped in fabric!  

But seriously?  It's the best damn iron.  

Put your canned rolls onto the iron.
Close and cook for about 3 minutes.

Wala!  Rolls ala Waffle Iron.
We ate ours with a little butter and syrup.  The Big Guy did try one with the frosting that came in the can, but thought that the butter and syrup was better.

Would I do it again?
Sure.  But as I mentioned earlier, I'd roll them out first and then put them on the waffle iron.  
This would be fun to do with house guests!

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