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Tuesday, September 04, 2012


It is official.
I am officially retired from the Twin Cities Breast Cancer 3-day.
And in November, after I participate in San Diego, I'll be officially, OFFICIALLY retired from the 3-day all together.

I've been asked if it is bitter-sweet.  Amy said it best.....right now?  No.  It's the right decision.  Fundraising is hard.  Training and coordinating crew stuff is time consuming and downright exhausting.  Come next summer, we might feel a little ping, but it's time to walk away when I still have good memories.

Of course, it means that I won't get to wear a poncho in the rain while on event with my awesome co-captain buddy, Cindi.....

Or add more pins to my lanyard.....

Or see 15 Youth Corp kids be inspired by women who could easily be their mom or grandma.....

But retirement means I get to take oodles of pictures of this girl....

And go on adventures with this guy....

And even spend time with the cat.
No photo of the cat.
She still hates us for getting the dog.


Rebecca Jo said...

Everything has a season...

you're smart.. .most people work in something until they get burned out & end up hating it & having bad feelings about it & everyone involved.

Now go enjoy more time in your life :)

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Kelley, you have done amazing things for the 3-day and you should be extremely proud of your accomplishments! I am so very proud of you!