I've tried talking about so many things for a new post. Including:
*Making Bacon/Whiskey/Marshmallow/Caramel bark: it took every pot & cookie sheet in my house to make. Result? All I tasted was chocolate. That's not a bad thing, mind you, but that was a lot of work for a so-so dessert. I sent it with the Big Guy and his team inhaled it.
*My run-in with a jerk at Target over my use of coupons for toothpaste and q-tips, but in turn my bill was still $115: Yes. It was. I had 4 items for myself...the rest were items for 2 teenagers off the Salvation Army Angel Tree. So, yes, Mr. Jerkface, my bill WAS $115 and yes, I DID use 2 coupons totalling a dollar. But you know what? The rest of my bill was put towards 2 girls who wouldn't have a Christmas otherwise. And it was worth EVERY FREAKING PENNY.
*My observation at the grocery store: a woman used a grocery gift card to try and buy lotto tickets. That wasn't the worst part. Worst part: the card was provided to her as an act of charity from the Salvation Army. *sigh*
*Making Samoa Bark (you know...Samoa's...the girl scout cookie?): Not as labor intensive as the other bark. But all I taste is the damn chocolate!
*My yearly physical with a new doctor tomorrow: Yep. Let's hope that this doctor isn't like my old doctor. I seriously think my previous doctor worked in a NASCAR pit crew...because her physical exams were 10 minutes or less. I don't need to be there all day. It's just hard for me to talk to you about my questions when you're zipping around and you're halfway out the door before you ask, "any questions?"
*My Secret Santa exchange at work: I have the one and only guy who signed up for secret Santa. His wish list said, "I like food that I shouldn't have, movies and books." Alrighty then. He's gotten candy for the last two weeks. I predict I'll be sent his dental bill from his next check up. I'm trying to come up with good ideas for a gift but I'm stumped.
Yep. Those are the posts I've stared, edited, deleted, restarted, left half finished, or just haven't hit publish.
Aren't you lucky that I shared?
Have a great week!