Let's Connect!

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Should I?

If you were recognized for doing a really good job at a major, national, fundraising event....
An event that required you to wear this:
And use this:

And you did such a good job that they asked you to not only come back for another year and do it again....but asked to you also consider traveling to another city would you?

Especially if that city were here, in mid November:

Would you?
Even if you had to pay for your own travel and lodging?  And probably wouldn't be able to do a lot of sight seeing while you're there?

Would you?


Rebecca Jo said...

I would do it SOLELY because of the hat ;)

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

I would!! I bet you could stay with my in-laws if the going got rough! Although, if you showed up in that hat... they might not let you in! :)

Little Dude's Mama said...

Hell to the Yes.
(sorry, Internet, for swearing)
Then you can refer to the state as Cali, because it gives you street cred once you actually visit.