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Wednesday, May 09, 2012

If I had a Million Dollars....

....I'd give it to my college so I wouldn't be stuck writing this grant!

Normally during my lunch breaks I write a blog post or two to "auto-upload" (is that a word?).  As you can tell, I haven't done jack squat on this here corner of the interwebs for weeks.

Because my college has been chosen as one of 120 finalists to apply for a million dollar grant.

Oh.  Guess who's writing it?

Yep.  Me.
No pressure!  No pressure at all!

If you need me I'll be under piles of data, tons of e-mails and trying to make heads or tails of what exactly these people are asking us to give them.  All for the hopes of being the ONE school who stands out and wins the big bucks.

Again.  No pressure!


Mark said...

You should take up drinking, at work!

Rebecca Jo said...

Just give them a picture of your face, with a sad look, saying "PWWEEEAASSEEE?" - it could work :)

Good luck!