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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why You Should Lock Away High School Photos....

See this guy?

I know him.
Like, I know the actual dude in the photo.
We went to high school together.

(I'd prove it with my senior yearbook, but I can't find my senior yearbook)

Anyway....someone took it and made a meme with it.  He discovered it and thought it was the funniest thing ever and posted it on facebook.  We've been laughing about it all week.

Yet another reason to hide my high school photos.  EEK!

see the entire meme listing here.


Rebecca Jo said...

SHUT UP!! That's TOOOO funny!!! Glad he's a good sport about it!!

Mark said...

Agreed! I'm glad he can laugh about it. And actually, he looks kind of cute under all that "80's" stuff.