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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Q&A of the Day, October 31st...

Happy Halloween!!

I was thinking about what I went dressed as for Halloween as a kid.  My old roommate is a BIG Halloween fan and attends an annual Halloween party each year.  She always has some of the coolest costumes.  This year she went as Princess Leia from Star Wars.

And of course, I had to tell her that in 1st grade, I went as Princess Leia.  
You know....when Star Wars was actually in the theater.  


Anyway, I started to think about all the things I went as when I was a kid.  There was Princess Leia.  I was also a gypsy, a crayola crayon, an old lady....and who knows what else.

Today's question is Halloween themed:

Halloween Plans?  Costume or no costume?

The Big Guy and I knew that moving into a neighborhood with kids we HAD to be prepared for giving out candy.  So, a few weeks ago when I was in Sam's Club I bought the giant economy sized bag of candy.  I hid it so that we wouldn't dig into it and I am happy to report....we haven't!

Tonight our big plans are to hand out Halloween candy and meet our neighbors.  
Costumes will not be involved.  We figure we'll do the costumes next year once our neighbors get to know us and realize we're not crazy.

However.  LOTS of houses on our street are decked out for Halloween.  I feel like I'm in that book, Skipping Christmas (or you may know the movie...Christmas with the Kranks).  (the book is better).  I keep waiting for a neighbor to show up saying, "where are your ghosts and tombstones?"

So, what about you?
Halloween plans?

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