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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Joys of Growing Older....

So, this is the first time that I'm participating in Works for Me Wednesday over at Rocks In My Dryer. I was so excited to do this and when I popped over this morning I've now realized I need to be more on the B-A-L-L to participate in a bloggy carnival. Wow! That list is long!

Therefore, if you're popping by my blog for the first time bloggy carnival folks--welcome! If you're looking at my blog saying, "Hummm...she looks familiar..." well--hello again!

Here is my item for Works for Me Wednesday--waxing with coffee filters

Got your attention didn't I.....

Now. Before you get all wide eyed and thinking I'm going to start talking about waxing very private things, you will be happy to know that I am not.

I will not go there.


This is a family friendly bloggy.

But, as a girl who is getting older, and genetics are starting to kick in more than ever, I am finding that I have to wax the upper lip and chin area. I personally like the wax that you heat in the microwave. Which requires the paper strips to pull off the wax.

Oh. I know. There is the wax that you don't need the strips.

Yeah. You try using that without getting your fingers all sticky.

For the longest time I was buying a kit with the paper strips AND a kit with the microwave wax. It was getting expensive. While my mom was visiting this summer, we were shopping in one of the discount stores and I said, "OH! I need to find wax strips."

Without missing a beat my mom said, "Just use a coffee filter."

And that, my friend(s), is how waxing with a coffee filter has become my every other week ritual.

Just cut the coffee filter in strips (which I'm sure you figured out--but just in case...) and use like you normally would. I can't say if this will work on legs, bikini or other areas, but it works very well for a face wax.

There you have it!

Now I have to deal with the fact that my friends, family and co-workers now know that I wax. While I do that, go over to Rocks in my Dryer and see what the folks have to share today.


amy@flexibledreams said...

That is a great tip. Good job on your first WFMW!

Crayl said...


Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Wow, that is a good tip! I never would have thought of that myself!

Lainie said...

Good tip...is there a brand of wax that you prefer? Just curious

AngiDe said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and entering the giveaway!
Good luck!


P.S. hope you enjoyed the 3 day walk! What a great event, huh?

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...


Thanks for your comment. Good question!

I prefer Sally Hansen. It's in a small little jar and includes a lotion to put on your face after you wax, eyebrow shaping tool, etc. I've had the same jar for a while (you don't use a lot) and I think the cost was around $7.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Oh, don't worry, we all need to wax after a certain age. I'm still trying to recover from the fact that I raised my arms at aerobics Tuesday night (I teach the class) and realized I had forgotten to shave. Oops!

Great tip!!