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Thursday, December 25, 2008

It Wouldn't Be Christmas Without This....

You know, it wouldn't be the holiday's without a little food coma, topped off with enough sugar and carbs to be able to run 3 marathons back to back.

I don't know about you, but one of my absolute favorite Christmas traditions is to watch A Christmas Story on TBS. I mean, they run it back to back for 24 hours--it would be a shame to miss it.

So, while you're still picking up random pieces of wrapping paper, saving the bows for next year, and trying not to poke yourself when you're stading next to your dried out Christams tree....take a moment to enjoy this clip from A Christmas Story. It's my favorite part...


Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great Christmas!

My friend, Amy, gives me the best gag gifts for my birthday every year, and this year she topped herself. She found a miniature version of THE lamp! It holds a tea light, and it is a scream! I thought about including it on the Christmas Tour, but not everybody "gets" it....! :) I may have to post a picture of it just for you!

What a great movie!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Note to self: hide "the lamp" when Kelley and TBG come to visit or it'll go missing.

2nd Note to self: rent this movie. I've never seen it!

Jason, as himself said...

I, ummmm, how do I put this?

I've never watched Christmas Story. Not one time ever.

Mammatalk said...

Such a great movie! Love, love, love it. We actually have an ornament from the movie....Ralphie with his gun.

jcbroske said...

it's Fra gile!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Ah, I love that movie. Nutafinga!!