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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Some Things Never Change....
I don't know about you, but as a child, as it got closer to Christmas I got more and more excited. I would count the gifts under the tree that were for me (it was pretty easy--I'm an only child). I am also guilty of unwrapping every gift under the tree when I was about 10 or 11 because I wanted to know what I was getting.

That is when my mom stopped putting tags on presents and each person got their own ribbon color or specific paper.

Last night, the Big Guy comes into the kitchen and the conversation goes like this:

BG: Who's gift is that under the tree?
Me: Which gift?
BG: The tall one in the blue paper.
Me: I don't know. Why?
BG: Well, it wasn't there yesterday. Who's is it?
Me: Why the curiosity, Mr. Big Guy?
BG: Because I want to know!
Me: Well, you'll just have to wait.
BG: There's another one with no tag. Is that for me too?
Me: Maybe. Maybe not.
BG: How many gifts are for me under the tree?
Me: Why
BG: Because I feel bad....I only got you two things
Me: No worries, you'll be just fine. Promise.
BG: I still want to know who those unmarked gifts are for....

While we're out celebrating the holiday with our families, we hope that you have a very Merry Christmas!

Now quit peeking under the tree. Santa doesn't like peeking.


Unknown said...

In MY family - you peek, you don't get the present.....

merry chrismtas my friend - i hope you're feeling better!!

Caren said...

Laughing.. that's cute. I started messing with the kids on Christmas. One year I put my daughter's name on every gift. Drove the boys nuts and they never did figure out that I used different wrapping paper per person. Another year I didn't put any names on the gifts but used colored dots to differentiate.

Merry Christmas! Hope it is a great one for you!

Meaghan said...

Merry Merry X-Mass

jmmarshak04 said...

You might like to know that the Big Guy would slit the tape and open up some/all of his presents before Xmas. He may deny it, but it's true...