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Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Got Nothin'....
As my attention has been focused on the online silent auction, I find that I've got nothing blog worthy to write about.

Oh, sure, I could write about the students I work with who don't take responsibility for their actions (what else is new?). Or I could write about the little old lady at the end of our townhome row who still gets worked up over residents parking in the "visitor" parking (I'd like to know what she thought of the boat parked there this weekend....).

But I'm not feeling it.

OH! I do know that you're waiting on pins and needles about the interview with Diane Keaton! My questions were sent (thanks for all of your suggestions!) and now....we wait.

Here's wishing for some good bloggy karma!


Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Sorry I won't be leaving any karma for you, I am usually lost for something to write about too. Just stopping by to look in on your blog and say hello.
Have a nice weekend.
Good luck with the silent auction.

Rebecca Jo said...

bloggy karma will come back to you.. hope you're doing well with the auction