I'm officially on vacation.
*insert the heavens opening and the angels singing....*
My first day of vacation will include going to the dentist to get my crown, as well as meeting Diane Keaton tonight! Sad thing is, I think I need to go do a little shopping this afternoon to find a little something to wear. Kohl's....here I come.
We have had some unseasonably warm weather the last two days. On Tuesday it was 97 degrees. Too hot for me! I got home and noticed the inside/outside thermometer. Here's a photo:
For the record, no, I did not get home at 9:55 p.m. (the clock is off, obviously). It was 5:45 p.m.. It was 78 degrees in the house and 106 degrees in the sun.
106 in the sun.
Good grief. Thank the Lord for AC. It was flipped on and the house was promptly cooled off to a nice 72 degrees. If it's too hot, I can't sleep.
I need my sleep.
My friend Kendra went to one of my favorite places, Grand Forks, ND. Yes. North Dakota. Anyway, she went for a visit and I asked her to pick up Chippers for me.
Chippers? What are chippers you ask? A little slice of heaven, they are! Chocolate Covered Potato Chips, my friends, and no, the chips are not soggy.
Wipe that freaked out expression off your face. They're lovely!
This was taken right before I opened them and shared them with my co-workers. The bag is officially now 3/4 gone.
So, while you ponder how in the world anyone would want to eat chocolate and potato chips in the same bite, I'm off to find the perfect shirt or skirt or something to wear to meet Diane Keaton.
Did I mention I'm meeting her? hee hee hee : )
Yum, those chippers look really good.
And Kohls! I love Kohls.
Have fun meeting Diane Keaton.
I agree it was to hot, but is beautiful today.
I love Kohls and can usually find something to wear there.
Looking forward to hearing about the meeting with Diane Keaton.
Hows' this for weird weather... 46 out on Park Point yesterday at at 4:54, at 5:34 it was 88!!! The wind switched from off the lake to from the south, then by 6:14 it switched again and was back to 45. When Doug came home he said it literally went up about 5 degrees every block coming up the hill!! This is the hardest time of year to live in Duluth. I can handle winter, spring sucks! See you this weekend!
Its that hot in Minnesota? WOW... Global warming - hehe!!!
Have fun getting your crown... once you see how pretty that is, you'll want all your teeth crowned! (Minus the price)
Not quite that hot in Detroit but pretty close (88).
I was at Kohl's yesterday and saw some really sweet dresses. Simple yet perfect for an evening out without being too dressy!
Do you think they carry the same product lines in MN as MI?
Chocolate and Chips together? What more could a girl ask for!!
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