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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Would You Have This Much Energy After a 22 Mile Walk?
On Day 2, Amy and I were pulled off the route around dinner time. We were excited to not only have dinner with our team, but we also got see the last walker come into camp.

You see....the 3-day isn't a race. People think it is, but it isn't.

There is no award for being first into camp.
There is no special kudos for even being in the top 200.

However. The last person in camp? THAT is a big deal. Imagine not giving up. Saying you're walking every single one of those miles that day. Through heat. Blisters. Sore muscles, knees and hips.

To be the last one in? That's a pretty big deal. Here's a picture of the last walkers (the flag says, One Step Closer):

Now, check out this video I took of these two walkers coming into camp. Before you e-mail me about the sound quality and the song, here is the 4-1-1. The sound is crap. I know it. You know it. But it's not about the sound. It's about the energy in the room. Look at how PUMPED these people are after walking 22 miles on Day 2.

The song is I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas.

For the record, I thought they came down the middle of the tent (by the stage), they actually come down aisle, between the tables. So, eventually, you'll see the camera pan to the middle. Be patient. You'll see them come in. They then head off to raise the camp flag.

Again....last walker in camp = a major celebration.
And an escort by 3/4 of the Safety Crew.

Who wouldn't want that?!?!


Rebecca Jo said...

Did you know the sound is crap? JOKING!!!! WHO CARES... cause you can totally hear all the clapping & cheering & that's all that matters!!!

I totally got pumped up myself just watching it...

when that flag went up, I got chills... how cool is that to be LAST!!!!

jmmarshak04 said...

22.7 to be "exact". We ROCK!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Awesome. Simply awesome.

When I do races, I'm often at the back of the pack, and it's very inspiring to be with the "strugglers" who refuse to give up no matter how badly you want to sit down on the curb.

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

The music, the clapping and the cheering... but the thing that touched me most was the guy in the pink bandana celebrating it all too! Love it and love YOU for going back for more!!