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Friday, September 25, 2009

My Quest to be PW Squared....
If you haven't heard, I love the Pioneer Woman.

Love her.
Want to move in next door to her.
Want to cook with her.
Want to swoon over cowboys who push cattle and say "yes ma'am"
Want to cuddle up to her basset hound, Charlie

If you don't head over there, you have no idea what you're missing. Click the link on my side bar--on the right. Over there -------------------->

Anyway, PW (as she's known to us who stalk her read her blog) is a pretty darn good photographer too. On her site, she has tutorials for working photos in Photoshop. When I think of Photoshop I think of graphic design and marketing. Makes me feel very tech savvy...

Well, my gal-pal Tracy and I went in together and bought Photoshop. We are determined to learn how to have fancy, schmancy photos like PW.

The best part? Photoshop is easily $1000. Yes. That's thousand, not hundred. It's not cheap. But because we work for an online school we are allowed to buy software from our bookstore for super cheap. We were able to get photoshop for less than $200. WOOO!

Look out, PW. We'll have photos like yours soon.

Well. As soon as we figure it out.
And take a class.
And buy an instruction book.


Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I love her site too! Have a good weekend! It is finally starting to cool down. Homecoming weekend and rain is not a good thing though.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE PhotoShop. It surely is an addiction. I'm so excited for you! Really.

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Oh yeah... we are going to be super cool too!