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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You Know it's Fall in Minnesota When....
When you log into Facebook and notice that all of your local friends have pretty much the same comment....

"Woke up to frost on the grass!"

"Had to scrape the windshield this morning!"

"Needed to scrape my windshield and couldn't find the scraper. Had to use a credit card instead"

"Had to dig out the gloves this morning. Hats and scarves will be next."

I don't know what would give it away that it was chilly here this morning? Do you?


Hula Girl at Heart said...

It was chilly here this morning, too. When I walked the dog at 5:45am, I had to wear my polka dotted snuggly robe, socks and crocs. Oh, I had a bandana tied around my head.

I looked at myself and said, "The new neighbors are gonna love this look."

Caren said...

Don't you know it. Frost advisory here in Michigan last night...I think you have us beat.

Wore 2 sweaters to work today as the brainiacs haven't figured out how to turn it off. That, along with a blanket & space heater. UGH

Well...here's to another season of cold!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Most of my facebook friends are from Calif. or Florida so I am still hearing about 90 degree weather. I love Minnesota in the fall, but it was very cold today!