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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm Not a Doctor, but....
Here's the deal. This is a heavy post today. But I'm disappointed and this is my way of venting. My blog, my rules, right? Because let's face it, I'm not a big "get-up-on-the-ol'-soapbox" kind of girl, but I am today because this totally makes no freaking sense....

Did you see this article on MSNBC? Basically, it's saying that women shouldn't be getting mammograms until age 50.

Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?

Here's a direct quote: "...getting screened for breast cancer so early and so often is harmful, causing too many false alarms and unneeded biopsies without substantially improving women's odds of surviving the disease."

So often? You think we enjoy going in to get squished? Oh, I can't think of a better way to spend a Friday, my birthday or any other time of day. Who goes more than once a year (other than those at high risk)?

How in the HELL is getting screened for cancer "harmful". I'd rather pay for a biopsy to have a doctor say, "you're OK" than have them say, "Well, see, you're not 50, and research & studies say it's nothing."

Wanna tell that to my friend Amy?
Or my high school friend, Karen?
Or Becky, who is currently fighting for her life right now?

Are you kidding me?

I get it.
It's research.
And honestly, I'm OK with research--that's why we raise money every year for the 3-day walk. And as a fundraiser, I cannot dictate what Susan G Komen or the National Philanthropic Trust spends their research dollars on. They have done great work and because of this, Amy's chemo treatments were cut in half. For that, I'm grateful. And because of this research, Becky got to participate in a cancer drug trial.

But I'm sorry. I am tired of being labeled because of my age. Just because I'm 30 something, I am told that I'm too young to have a mammogram. Because I'm 30 something my doctor doesn't do a proper breast exam each year because I'm "not clinically at risk." Because I'm 30 something, I get told that I only need to do blood work every 5 years.

So, while insurance will not likely change their guidelines--thank God--I can't help but shake my head & roll my eyes.

Guaranteed that if one of those so-called doctors or researchers had a mother, sister, aunt, wife, grandmother or best friend who was diagnosed because of a self exam or early mammogram, they wouldn't be saying that.

I'm off my soap box now.


Hula Girl at Heart said...

The public reaction from our local medical community, including my doctor, toward this recommendation has been negative. I can't help but believe this is all insurance driven. It makes no sense to me otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Since most of the decisions medical or insurance are being made by men makes you wonder what they say about testicular cancer??? I find it amazing that insurance covered Viagra before it covered birth control pills! Just a thought.


Jason, as himself said...

Just ridiculous. My sister is also thirty something and our mother died of breast cancer at age 50. They would not give her a mammogram until she raised a great big huge STINK about it.

Just think how many more women would die if nobody had a mammogram until age 50!

My friend Sue is starting her 3-day in San Diego tomorrow!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I don't understand it at all!!!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

I have a mamogram machine at home. His name is "husband". With that said... I still get 'em done professionally - when I can! You can't tell me that someone in a decision making capacity with insurance companies hasn't ever walked in a 3-day, or has never lost someone to breast cancer.

Hey insurance companies!! Ever heard of preventative medicine??


Rebecca Jo said...

Preach it sister!!!

Caren said...

Amen...well stated.