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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Man...
I have a new man in my life. I spent an afternoon with him on Friday.
Big Guy? I'm sorry. You need to move over. There's a new love in town.

I love his strong fingers.....

Ear lobes I could just nuzzle.....

Well groomed bare feet....

Blue eyes that could melt my heart..... (note to self...work on photoshop tutorial...)

And of course, he sings my praises and tells me how wonderful I am....

Dear BFF. Stop making cute babies. They make them hard to leave behind at the end of the day, OK?


Anonymous said...

oh my...what a beautiful little baby!

Dorkys Ramos said...

Oh so cute and tiny! I could just squish those little feet. Congrats to your BFF!

Rebecca Jo said...

Nothing like tiny everything - ears, eyes, nose, lips... the most precious thing in the world!

micahjulie@msn.com said...

Thank you all for agreeing with the mom!
He's an awesome baby!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...


tt said...

Good when the arrive with all the body parts in the right spots. Truly a miracle of life. I laugh though, with four children under the belt, at your last line.

True they are hard to leave behind but it does get easier when they practice their aria.

Laura Porras said...

Ugh...my ovaries are screaming. Beautiful baby boy :)

The Daily Dean Chronicals said...

Adoration........how could you not resist???