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Friday, December 04, 2009

Is it February Yet?....

This weekend I went with Julie, the BFF, to see New Moon. It was a great movie and we loved it.

However, I am now on the edge of my seat waiting for a new movie that is coming out in February. What movie is that?

That would be the movie Dear John based on the book of the same name by Nicholas Sparks.

Now. Like any woman, I'm a sucker for a chick flick. Give me a good looking man (and in this case, a man in uniform....oh yes!) and a sappy story line and I'm set for the duration of the movie.

However, I have to say. Nicholas Sparks and the folks who made this movie are genius.



Easily, New Moon is the most anticipated movie of the year by young girls (and no so young girls. ahem.). You have a trailer like this, opening for the biggest movie of the year you are FOR SURE going to get every single teenage girl and woman in that audience to come back again.

Instant box office hit.

I mean, I'd buy my tickets now if I could!

Just sayin'....


Rebecca Jo said...

I love all of Nicholas Sparks books so I get all giddy myself when they are turned into movies!!!

Caren said...

I am envious ... I have wanted to see New Moon but can't find a person who will see it with me. My kids went on opening night...and even though I have begged...those snots will not go again. At least not with me. Grrr....

Michelle said...

I think every theater plays different previews because I didnt see this one. OH, they had plenty of good ones but not this one. There are about 5 chick flicks coming up soon that I want to see. mky DH asked what's wrong with me cause I never want to see chick flicks. LOL

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Looks like a really good movie!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy!

Thanks for stopping by "Kelly at Home"! :o) I just had to comment on this post - LOVE Twilight (finally saw "New Moon" last weekend with my best friend!) and I can't wait for "Dear John"! I hadn't heard of it 'til I saw the preview at the movies, but now I totally have to read the book. It looks adorable - I loved the little part with Vanessa Redgrave walking towards her old dude love (for lack of a better word, LOL). Chills!

Thanks again for visiting! Have a super lovely Monday!
