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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Sneak Peek....
So, my mom sent me some photos from her camera. Really, I'm posting these because Amy keeps telling her husband, "Kelley hasn't posted photos yet."

Here are some photos.

Clearly I still need to work on my posture. You would think with all the foundation garments I was wearing that would help. Apparently, not so much.

Here are some details about the photos:
Jake--my camp friend and officiant. We were his first wedding. I made him hold my bouquet. He then said, "Always an officiant, never a bride."

Us, in the garden, taking photos. No, the Big Guy isn't crying. Just rubbing his eyes.

Me and the BFF, Julie, sitting on the couch in the Visitors Center of the Arboretum. Really, by this point, I was done. D...O...N...E, done.

More to come!


Hula Girl at Heart said...

He's a cute bridesmaid! I especially like the last one. You look so happy. Can't wait to see more.

Rebecca Jo said...

As soon as I saw you had a new post, I yelled "PICTURES!" :) We're all anxious!

I'd go ahead & tell everyone the Big Guy was crying because he was so taken with emotion on how beautiful you were! ;)

Which you ARE... love your dress - love the little bolero jacket too... MUST SEE CLOSER!!!

Just two pictures of you - but both have BIG SMILES... happy day!

scargosun said...

Yay! Can't wait to see more!

Mark said...

You should have let us believe that the Big Guy was crying. That would have been very P.C. of him.
p.s. I'm loving Jake.
Your Friend, m.

Jason, as himself said...

Not much, but I'll take it for now. I love what you've given us so far.

Amy said...

Wow, what beautiful pictures! Love everything! I agree with Rebecca, say the Big Guy was a little choked up in that picture!