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Friday, July 09, 2010

Bits and Pieces....
*Today is my last day in my current position at the university I work at. Monday, rather than working with students who are earning their MBA degree, I'm going to be working with students who are earning their PhD's. Nervous doesn't even begin to describe it. When I think of PhD I think of bright, articulate people. I also picture their brains like a walking thesaurus. I don't like big words. Good thing I have a dictionary at my desk.

*Because I'm moving from one floor to another, I have to pack up my stuff. Sadly, I haven't been given any boxes yet to do said move. I'm a little worried that won't happen and Monday I'll be in limbo. I don't like being in limbo.

*I am doing my best right now to make a good solid effort to eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies each day and limit the junk.

We won't talk about the 4-5 brownies I ate from the 9x13 pan I brought into work yesterday.
they were small.

*I made these last weekend for our BBQ at Tracy's. You must make them. They're divine.

Spiced Walnuts
2 cups walnuts
2 T chopped rosemary
1/2 t cayenne pepper
1 t brown sugar
1/4 t salt
1 T olive oil

Heat oven to 350. Roast nuts for 10 minutes.
In a large bowl combine spices. Add the roasted nuts. Add oil. Toss.

Eat. Enjoy.
Thank me later.


Rebecca Jo said...

You shoulda added some fruit in those brownies! :) I'm SOOO bad with that... I'm lucky if I get ONE service of either a day...

My basic food group is Carbs or sugar... I think that's good at replacing fruits & veggies...

Good luck with the new position & the move! I'm sure you'll be speaking in 8 letter words in no time! :)

Tater Mama said...

Sista, you are movin' on up and you'll be FABULOUS!

And if the brownies were small, they don't count a bit. It's a law.

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Umm... I remember getting ONE taste of those nuts before they were squirreled away! Thanks for the recipe and glad you had fun!!

PS - I think my matchmaking is working!! ;)

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Remember, we all put our pants on one leg at a time, and we all sit on the pot. Do not be intimidated by the PhD's. Just picture them on the pot. :)