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Monday, July 19, 2010

The View From Here #2....

Dear US Post Office,

I know that you are concerned about the decline in the use of the US Postal System. But I promise you, after sending out over 130 invitations to our wedding reception today, there will be plenty to keep the post office workers busy.

Just promise me you won't be raising the postage stamp price anytime soon. The last thing I need is to pay "postage due" on 130 postcards.



Mark said...

I guess Evites would be a little tacky, huh? But listen, don't worry about sending mine out, I'm busy that day. Sorry that I can't make it.
Your friend, m.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Oh, you're going to have so much fun. Pictures, please.

Jason, as himself said...

Yeah, no kidding!

Evites. That little Mark is so clever.

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

For those of you on the receiving end of Kelley's invitations - prepare to be amazed! This girl has got it going ON!