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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Women Follow Directions, Men Use Duct Tape.....
The Big Guy and I have lived in our current place for a few years now (we rent) and our place uses electric heat. This means that we never really see a decrease in our electric bill between seasons. From running the heat to running the central air, our electric bill can be through the roof.

For the last few winters, we've put up plastic sheeting over our windows to help keep the heat in.

I have to be honest and say that this is the one chore I hate, partly because our living room has the those vertical-slat-blinds, which makes it difficult to put up the plastic. Nothing is worse than trying to put up double sided tape while trying to hold back the blinds.

I did our living room window a few weeks ago.
The way that the directions said it should be done.

Sadly, I got side tracked and couldn't complete the rest of the windows. So I asked the Big Guy to do them for me.

He put up the plastic and our home feels much warmer.
But in true "north woods" fashion, he felt he had an easier way to do the job with the same outcome.

Duct tape.
I'll let the photo speak for itself.

Thank goodness the blinds cover up the lovely silver border.


Rebecca Jo said...

Heck - my husband would just put duct tape in a big "x" across the window to keep it up & not think twice about it! :)

Anonymous said...

Remember when we moved from Ohio to Minnesota...your Uncles Duct taped the CB equipment to the dash so that we could travel safe!!!! OMG does that date us or what...years before cell phones

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

"A lovely silver border" for the holidays!