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Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I'm a Little Late to the Party....

This weekend, while assessing how much stuff we own, when we'll probably move, if we'll get a place we like, and all the other things that go along with moving.....I got sucked into a Glee marathon on TV.

Here's the thing.
Until this weekend, I had not seen one episode of Glee.

Not one.

I watched the pilot and it was cute.
I watched most of the other episodes and it was alright.
But the jury is still out.

I mean, I love the story lines. It isn't like a musical where they break into cheesy songs. But I just can't get over the over-emphasised lip syncing. I know they're lip-syncing to their own voices. But I couldn't help but wonder if I was watching a TV show or a music video.

However, after watching the episode that aired after the Super Bowl? I may tune back in tonight. To get the football jocks--who throw slushies at the glee club--to be mandatory members of the glee club? And they liked it? Made my little heart cheer!

And soon...songs were stuck in my head.
And I started to wish that I could sing really well.

So....if I start singing this song in the elevator or at the bus stop....you'll know why.....

I will admit that I did go onto iTunes and download this song, Teenage Dream sung by the all boys glee club, The Warblers. Or, as I found out....they're the Beelzebubs--an acapella group from Tufts University in MA. They were finalists from the first season of The Sing Off!


Mark said...

I beg you, don't fall for it!
Yes, I agree, that video was cute. But it's not the best show on t.v. and I don't understand why people fall all over it? Listen, I could go on and on why that show bothers me but I won't bore you. Don't feel like you are being left out of the loop if you don't watch it.
Stay strong, girlfriend! m.

Rebecca Jo said...

Welcome to the GLEE Side of life! :) You know me - I have been lovin' Glee from the beginning. You cant help but love Sue Sylvester... & the songs? love em! Got all the CD's loaded on my iPod... I'm a pure GLEEK.
(Sorry Mark... I'm going to keep pushing for the world to turn more into GLEE!) Come on - how fun would life be if everyone just randomly broke into song & dance?

jmmarshak04 said...

At a girls weekend almost a year ago, someone brought the first season and we watched it all weekend. I was hooked and still am. Doug just shakes his head and walks back out if I happen to be watching it.

jmmarshak04 said...

And Teenage Dream is the one Glee song I have also downloaded. Good choice, and sung much better than Katy Perry did it!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Ha ha haaa.....! You're a GLEEK!

Shaina N said...

I am SUCH a Gleek and have been from the beginning!

OMGOSH I did not know that the Warblers were the Beelzebubs! I LOVED them on The Sing Off and SO WANTED THEM TO WIN. Thank you for making me like Glee even more!