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Friday, May 27, 2011

Farm Friday:  Asparagus

The farm has a wild asparagus patch.  
Is it a bad thing to eat asparagus at every meal?

I hope not.

Wondering how we prepare it?

Toss in a little oil (I use a gallon zip lock bag...less mess).
Sprinkle with sea salt & pepper.
Grill until tender.


Rebecca Jo said...

Shows you how much "city girl" is still in me.. I didnt know it looked like that when it grew. HUH? I've learned something today.

And now, I'm craving it...

jmmarshak04 said...

Grandpa Mork actually planted that there awhile back (it used to be back behind the shop). I think it is a little on the "wild" side now because it hasn't been weeded in a very long time. Eat some for me!

Mark said...

Oh, so that's how asparagus! Who knew? Seriously, isn't that weird that I never gave it a thought before?
Good luck preparing it! m.

Unknown said...

Oh... you just can't get better than grilling!!!

Jason, as himself said...

Mmmmmmm. That must be delicious. Asparagus is so expensive around here!