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Friday, August 12, 2011

ACK! I need a Photo!

In my new role at the small community college, I work very closely with the upper administration--the college president, the VP's (one of which is my supervisor), deans....you name it.

Next week, before classes begin is the annual in-service for the entire college.  I've been asked to work on a presentation that normally I would present.  But because of a a little thing called the Breast Cancer 3-day, I will be gone.

I joked with my supervisor about inserting a photo into the presentation saying, "This is Kelley", because she keeps saying how she wishes I could be there (sorry, the guilt trip isn't going to work...I'm going to the 3-day). 


Yesterday she says to me, "I think you should put a photo into the powerpoint presentation!  That would be fun!"  I laughed and said, "OK" and then panic hit me. 

Serious photo?
Funny (but appropriate) photo?

What do you think?

Who knew that this would be the "big decision" to make today!


Mark said...

The wedding one was fun! But wasn't there one from your Class Reunion last year? I forget. m.

Rebecca Jo said...

How fun!!! Pick one that shows your personality... if they can handle that! :)

PS - oh girl - we'd TOTALLY be meeting up MULTIPLE times a week for chatting & coffee :)

Janice said...

I like them all, but because the 3 day is the reason you are gone, perhaps the 3 day picture with the "My Friend" banner. Or, maybe you can put up two - did she limit you?

Anonymous said...

The Big Guy speaks:

I like the first one and the last one.

Well, I like our wedding pictures, too, but since you'e gonna be at the 3D, and you've got 3D stuff in both of those...it just makes sense.

I'm just sayin'.

--The Big Guy

Laura Porras said...

I vote 1, 3 or 7! Number 3 makes me laugh/smile every time :)

doreen said...

I'm with the Big Guy!