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Monday, August 08, 2011

Week 3 with Maggie....

Slobbery squeeker skunk
The $3 bone got taken away by Charlie
An owner who feels bad and buys her a new one
Chewing on sticks
Getting into the crate is a little easier
Still rough housing with Charlie
Chewing on ice
Lethargic after getting her shots
A quiet restful afternoon after getting her shots
Ringing the bell successfully to go outside (YES!)
Having fewer potty accidents 
Not a fan of a clicker
Nipping at ankles 
Cuddling on the couch
Pig ears
Chasing grasshoppers and digging up a red-ant nest
Owners with sinus infections and bad summer colds (ugh)
Napping on the couch


Rebecca Jo said...

Cuddling on the couch is the best reason alone to have a dog :)

BOO for those sinus infections & summer colds! NO FUN!

Mark said...

I really hate one word Comments but, "Ugh"!

Mercedes said...

That picture is priceless!