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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Curse You, Pinterest....

I love, love, love pinterest.
I've gotten some very groovy ideas from that site. 

One of which is this:

Well.  Look what I just happen to have in our garage....

This was my Gonie's (pronouced Go-Knee). 
My dad's mom.  Otherwise known as my sassy Grandma.  Need proof?

See?  She was a BEAUTY QUEEN!
Who else has a photo of their grandma as a beauty queen in their living room?

As I was saying, I have her old hutch in my garage and I've been wanting to do something with it.  While I could use it as it was intended--a china hutch--sadly, it has seen some better days.  It spent probably 10+ years in my grandpa's workshop.  That shop isn't climate controlled, so it's been rained on, snowed on, sat in tropical humidity, and even been pooped on by the occasional bird.

Gonie's hutch needs some love.  

This weekend we didn't have plans, so I went to work on the hutch.

The photos aren't the best, but the color of the hutch was a dark, dark, DARK brown.  The hutch is solid wood, but also had veneer covering much of the hutch.  Because it sat out in the wood shop, the veneer was bubbling and peeling away from the wood.  I decided to peel off the veneer.

Thank God the weathered-worn-distressed look is in, because I chopped the hell out of the woodwork trying to take off the veneer.  After some sanding, and staining, this is what I have....

I've decided to leave the doors off because they are badly warped.  And honestly, I kinda like it without the doors.  It sadly, won't fit upstairs or in our bathroom (the ceilings are too low), so   I can't use it like the pinterest photo, but I can use it as a great shelf/desk area!

I think Gonie would be happy with the transformation.


Anonymous said...

Awesome....Once you start using it for storage, you'll never see the veneer in the background. Gonie would be proud of you, I know I am....love,mom

Mark said...

That is incredible. I would see that old cabinet and think, "God, now I have to keep this forever because it belonged to my Grandma". But looking at what you did with it, I would now think, "Thank God, I get to keep this cabinet that belong to my Grandma"!
Great Job! m.

Unknown said...

That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Great job Kelley!! Very cool!

Jason, as himself said...

This is beautiful!

I love Pinterest, too!