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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pinterest Strikes Again....

What do you get when you take an old window from the original farm house....

Plus the Martha Stewart "recipe" for your own chalkboard paint?
You get this.

I added the hooks myself (they're a little crooked, oh well....).

Total cost?

$5.00........Paint Sample (you get a pretty big sample)
FREE.......Window, sandpaper, paintbrush


I may just start taking orders!


Rebecca Jo said...

I am IN LOVE!!!!!

I love old barn wood anyways.

But how creative with the chalk board! WHo doesnt need one of those hanging somewhere?!?!?

pinterest is gonna have you finished with your Christmas gifts before Fall gets here :)

Mark said...

It's great!
Seriously, think about opening a Unique Boutique. I'm not joking! People would eat this stuff up.

My Cancer Scoreboard said...

Thank you for the welcome back, I've definitely missed it!!!! We need to catch up soon

Janice said...

You should join Tracy's Art Crawl! There would be folks who would buy stuff like that!