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Friday, June 29, 2012

It was a Dark and Stormy Night....

Last week we had strong storms roll through our area 3 days in a row.

Let me tell you, something.  It's a whole new experience trying to get a dog to do her business before going to bed, when it's thundering, lightning is striking and the rain is pouring.

I went out to let Maggie do her duty and took some pics of the sky.  Granted, I just have a little point and shoot--so the quality isn't super.  But even with my camera they turned out kinda cool!

The one thing I don't have a photo of?  The standing water in the fields!  I know we were on the edge of a drought, but all this rain is CRAZY!

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

We're dying for a drop a rain here... its like tumbleweeds are going across the highway