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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Trip Planning....

What I've learned while planning this trip.


Exhibit A:  My suitcase.

Exhibit B:  The Big Guy's suitcase.

Yep.  We leave tonight and he's still not packed.  He's on his own.  He's 42 years old.  He can pack his own darn bag.

It was too expensive to add the international plan to our cell phone coverage.  In fact, the guy at Verizon stopped the Big Guy about 90 seconds into his story and said, "Yeah.  Don't.  Get a pay as you go phone."  So...we did.  And this is it.

That phone measures 3 1/2 inches and is probably the smallest phone I've ever owned.  My prediction?  It will either:

(a) ring at midnight because someone forgot about the time change
(b) will ring while we're on a tour and I'll wonder, "Who's the idiot that forgot to turn off their phone?" and realize that idiot was me

Why is it that I feel the need to clean the house before leaving on a trip?  Yet, the Big Guy is more concerned with "what time are we leaving" and "are we eating on the way or at the airport?"

Definition of "sucker born every minute":

That would be us.
We're the suckers.

We feel guilty about leaving the pets behind.  Stella (the cat) is staying at home and my mother-in-law will check in with her.  Maggie will be at a caged kennel place--which is where the guilt comes in.  Rather than a traditional caged kennel, we've decided to spring for the "kennel/doggie day camp" variety.  

What this means?  We're paying $29 a day for boarding (includes feeding, play time, walks, etc).  But because we're both suckers.....we're also doing a few sessions of full-day Doggie Day Camp as well as other individual play sessions.

In short?  For what we're paying to board the dog, we could have sprung for a fancy hotel in England.


I promise to post photos upon our return--though I'll probably be doing more posting of photos along the way through Instegram (this link doesn't require you to have instegram to view the photos--hooray!!) and twitter.  

Keep us in your thoughts for a safe trip!
Off we go.....

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

My mom had to get one of those phones when they moved & didnt have a working phone - it works really well actually - you'll be surprised.

My hubs is the same way with packing - usually will grab something & put in a Target bag as we walk out the door.... men....

I'd pay for that kind of service too for our dogs. You're a good mommy :) A friend at work boards his dog in a place like that & he said his dog never wants to leave there :)

Have a FANTASTIC TIME~!!!!!!!!!!