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Thursday, December 06, 2012

Someone is a Little too Big for my Liking....

I saw this on Pinterest the other day.  

Of course, I thought, "THAT would be a fantastic desk calendar!" and immediately sent a text to the Big Guy as he's looking for additional Christmas gift ideas for me.

When I clicked the photo to go out to the website selling the calendar I couldn't believe my eyes.

A few thoughts.

1.  I'm in the wrong business if you're able to get people to pay $149.95 
2.  I'm guessing it was a simple typo.  
3.  If it is a typo, this is a good lesson on the importance of the decimal point 
4.  If this isn't a typo, see point #1.

But then curiosity got the better of me.  Not only did I e-mail Barnes & Noble to ask, "Is this for real?" but I did more searches online for the calendar.



Would you buy a USED calendar?
Come on....

But more web searches led me to this gem:

It all makes sense now!

It's a calendar.
Would you pay $50, $60 or $150 for a calendar?

I didn't think so.

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