Let's Connect!

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Thursday, January 03, 2013

Time to hang up my keyboard....

I've been thinking a lot about this lately.  I love reading blogs.  But I've discovered that blogging is a slippery slope.  You want people to read your blog--but then you realize that unless you can really find your niche in this everyone-has-a-blog world, it becomes a challenge to keep up.  More and more lately, I'm liking "quick" social media outlets like Instegram over blogging.

So, here's the deal.
For now.....I'm hanging up the bloggy keyboard.

I may post occasionally--a random pinterest project or something awesome.

If you really want to peek in on what I'm up to (because honestly, who wouldn't?), you can follow me on Instegram two ways:

  • On your phone or mobile device: Download the Instegram app and look me up:  morknotmindy 
  • Don't have a smart phone?  Click here.  Bookmark it and pay me a visit!  Click on a photo you want to see and you can not only read what I wrote,, but you can even comment yourself!  Neat, huh?

It's been real.
It's been fun.
It's been real fun....but it's time to go.

Catch ya' on the flipside...


123 said...

Sad to see you go!

Caren said...

go figure - I haven't checked my blog friends in eons...and poof...they go! Best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

This friend needs more warning on such major decisions!

Unknown said...

Good luck!
Instagram is fun, isn't it?

Dorkys Ramos said...

Aw, I completely feel you on your decision. Sad to see you go, too, but hope it gives you a nice breather and chance to explore things that do get you excited. This stuff can get exhausting after a while.

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

Thanks everyone! I promise to still check in and read everyone's posts at your little corner of the interwebs. I may not comment, but I promise, I do read!


Jason, as himself said...

What? Just like that?

The truth is, I've had similar feelings for the past year.

There are two things that keep me coming back to The Jason Show:

1-Whenever I look at all of my previous posts over the last 5 years, I get a real feeling of accomplishment. It's been a great journaling experience for me, and a creative outlet.

2-I just can't say goodbye to my bloggy friends!

I guess that's where Instagram and Facebook come in. By the way, I am not following morknotmindy.

I'm leaving you on my blog roll just in case you change your mind!