Let's Connect!

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Friday, June 20, 2008

So, I've discovered some new blogs and I TRIPLE love them. One of my new favorites is here. Little did I know that when you leave comments, on blogger.com, they get directed to your blog. Well, I've been blogging at my 3-Day Walk site. I initially set up this blog to chronicle my training. Once I found out I could do that on my 3-Day page, I decided to do the blogging thing there.

So, here's the short of it.

I really won't be blogging here until after the walk in September. Until then, I'm blogging at the 3-day page. Look....it's just easier that way. Trust me.

Please note: just because you visit my 3-Day blog does NOT mean you have to donate. You don't. Support and prayers are enough for me! Besides, I've raised my money....I'm just looking forward to doing the walk.

OK, kind of.

OK, actually, it scares the crap out of me. But I'm doing it. Come hell, high water, blisters, sunburn and all.

So, to those who have popped over here from other fun blogs, hello! Welcome! Check out my video (next post down) and stop over at the other little blog for a visit.

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