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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Now there are two of them....

I had all of the best intentions today to walk 14 miles. I plotted out a route in Hutchinson using part of downtown (read: bathrooms and water access) and part of the Luce Line Trail.

You can read about that adventure over on the
3-day page bloggy.

Speaking of the 3-day, don't forget...the auction is still happening until Sunday the 20th at 6:00 p.m. CST! Here's that
link (you know you want to check it out!).

Anyway, I got home and decided that this house needed a good ol', deep cleaning. I do the cleaning in the house. The Big Guy has admitted freely that he is not a good housekeeper and appreciates me doing all the cleaning. I will say that he is good about putting his dishes in the sink, loading the dishwasher (though I grit my teeth at how he arranges the dishes, but I digress....), and will clean if I ask him too. He cleaned the bathroom for me the other day and did a very nice job.

Though I couldn't find the things he put away.

But he did clean it and that's all that matters.

In cleaning, I channeled my inner-MacGyver and fixed the blinds (long story) when I noticed that the gopher was back.

And it had a friend.

I then got to thinking, "Is that really a gopher?"

Thanks to google and a little investigation I found out that it is really a Thirteen Lined Ground Squirrel.

As long as it doesn't come in my house--I'm fine.

And I realized what is making our corner of the block their choice of residence. It would be our bird feeder. "Oh, you're a birdwatcher" you're probably saying to yourself. The answer to that is a big, fat, resounding, no.

I got it for my cat.

Yeah. I'm one of those.

And speaking of which, I think our neighbors across the way moved out this weekend. I don't know about you but a large horse trailer backed up to the front door says to me, "moving in or moving out." I think moving out because I haven't seen any activity over there since.

Except for a white cat in the window.

Sad thing is, they left the blinds up just enough for the cat to see out the window. And it keeps looking out waiting for someone to come back. Now, in their defense, maybe they are moving, need to get settled and will come back for the cat. I mean, we did that when we moved. But seriously, all I think about is the fact that they abandoned this cat simply because they couldn't take it with them.

And that angers me. Big time.

My cat--Stella--was adopted 2 years ago after someone abandoned her in a situation like that. I couldn't even think of doing that to an animal. I mean, the landlord will find it in the next few days when they come to inspect the property--but I mean really? You can't take her/him to the Humane Society? Animal Shelter? Our local vet?

I'm such a sucker for animals. The Big Guy would kill me if I had that cat here. But if it means taking it in until I can take it to the Humane Society, I will. A call to the landlord will come Monday if I don't see any activity.

But just because I'm a sucker, doesn't mean I like those 13 Lined Squirrels any better.

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