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Friday, October 24, 2008

Excuse Me, Can We Talk.....

Dear Mother Nature,

How are you? How are the kids? What's new in the area of global warming?

I'm fine, thanks for asking. But I do feel that it is important that we have a very important talk. As you know, I decided to live in the beautiful state of Minnesota after my mother dragged me here in 1979 after she and my father divorced. Yes, it was for my own good--to be surrounded by family who loved and supported us. And yes, it was good because I was put into a fairly good school system--though I still hated the fact that I was picked last in gym class. Can I help it if I'm not a jock? I played in the orchestra for Pete's sake.

Moving on....

I do think that it is important for us to chat about what I heard on the radio this morning. While driving into the bus stop, I heard that it may snow on Sunday.

Ummm, Mother Nature? I don't know if you know this, but....IT IS OCTOBER.

I know. I know. We've had snow storms in the past in October. You don't need to remind me of the many times as a child while dressed up for Halloween that I was forced to wear a winter parka, boots, hat, mittens and a scarf. You know--that really cramps a girl's style as she's trying to dress like Princess Leah from Star Wars. A hat totally takes away from the cinnamon bun hairstyle.

But seriously? Do you know what this does to us Minnesotans when you decide to create a little snow in October? If not, let me refresh your memory:

  • It causes us to be forced into winter driving mode earlier than anticipated.
  • It causes rush hour traffic--either to or from work--to be a nightmare. I may as well camp out at the office and not go home.
  • It causes us to break out the winter jackets, mittens, hats and scarf only to put them away 2 days later when you give us a 60 degree day.
  • It forces me to find my ice scraper (with the brush attachment) in the depths of my car trunk only to find that the scraper end has been chipped and doesn't scrape my windows worth anything.
Therefore, I am asking you--please. Can we hold off on the snow? At least until Thanksgiving? Last year it was so nice when you did that!

Let me know if you need anything from me to make this happen. I'd be willing to even throw in a batch of monster cookies or even my amazing homemade caramels and English toffee.

Wishing you the best....


scargosun said...

I like a little surprise flurry here and there but not full on snow before T-day!

scargosun said...

BTW...can I get your recipe for your carmels and or toffee? Pretty please? :) I'll give you my famous peanut brittle one.

Unknown said...

Hi - stopping by from SITS - can you add my name to the letter - not ready for snow either!! Nice blog, am a little jealous on the NKOTB concert, couldn't go to the one here in Chicago.

Jason, as himself said...

Oh, no,no. I feel so sorry for you.

Melissa B. said...

Greetings from Virginia, which, of course, is for Lovers, Politics & History! Thanks so much for dropping in for my BATW Day in the Sun...Love your blog & REALLY love this particular post! Please drop by to see me again sometime soon!

Meaghan said...

Yippeee you are a SAUCY BLOG!! I just heart ya :)


Meaghan said...

Doing another giveaway this week if you wanna get in on it! All entries from last week count too and there are ways to get even more added :)

www.getthebean.blogspot.com (for the giveaway)

Eve said...

I'm with you... it's a bit early for snow. That said, I wouldn't mind getting a bit of the white fluffy stuff now and then. We live by the ocean and it goes right over our heads and lands only 15 miles east of us! We get to see it, but never touch it from home.

Came by through SITS - so glad I did - I love your post!

Melanie said...

Snow? Brrrrr. I like snow, sure, but on the mountains. The clouds lift, the morning sun shines to show mountains all dusted with power-sugary whiteness. That I like. But actually falling on my head? Blech. You have my sympathy.

Stopping by from SITS - hi :) Didja know you can't seem to comment here unless you have a google/blogger ID? :)

Just say Julie said...

Stopping by from SITS. Congrats on your saucy-ness! That letter is the reason I won't move further north than Texas. No snow for me. But lots of NKOTB :)

Amanda in GA said...

Congrats on being Saucy this week.

Mom said...

CONGRATS on being a SAUCY blog this week!

Mimi said...

Lol, I'm in Michigan & we're supposed to get snow today & tomorrow. We're not even in the upper peninsula!

I found you thru SITS & I'm glad I did.

Tiffany said...

Wishing you a warm, southerly breeze.

Kristin said...

No snow down here in the sunshine state but I am from New Hampshire. I too was princess leia with the hat, scarf, and jacket ( and ski pants).

Lesley said...

Here's to a dry halloween for you guys over there....growing up in colorado I understand the winter clothes over the halloween outfit...my mom used to say...It's character building....ha....congrats on being one saucy chick....

Ashley. Unscripted... said...

Congrats on your Saucyness!

Can I have a monster cookie please??

Bramblemoon Farm said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm in Michigan and I feel your pain. They are saying it could snow on Monday. I'm not ready for it AT ALL...

That Girl said...

Congrats on being Saucy! And ditto on your feelings of snow--we've already had one snowfall here in good old Utah and I'm with you on wanting to wait until after Thanksgiving!! ;)

Dorkys Ramos said...

congrats on your sauciness!! I hope you get your wish for no snow today!! It's way too early for that nonsense :p

Anonymous said...

Love your saucy blog!! Welcome to the SITStahood!!

~Jill :)

Aleta said...

Snow.. in October... really? Ohhh, I'm envious! We're in the 75 highs for today. Monday it's going to be "jacket weather" with the highs in the 60's! Woo Hoo, but by Wednesday, back to the 70's again. I call it Doctor weather. In New Orleans we get Summer and Summer Lite. Have fun with the snow!

Clippergirl56 said...

Hey, if Mother Nature will not accept your english toffee...I will be glad to...although I can't do anything about the snow. Here in the coastal area of NC we would love to see a good snow....course, it would shut us down for days...hmmm I like that idea.

Lori said...

Hi! stopping by from SITS...
this post really spoke to me! We are midwestern transplants to California...and hubs and I always joke about the fact that we really don't ever watch the weather guy here...no need...sunny and hot, and tomorrow, more of the same! But it was a hard habit to break! in the great midwest, you had to watch the weather everyday! your post proves it!
nice to 'meet' you!

Mercedes said...

Sounds kind of like Kansas weather.

Rachel Ann said...

LOL! You are a Saucy blog...love it!

Hope that Mother Nature heard your plea (and maybe accepted your bribery) and held off on the snow.

the mom said...

AMEN to that one. How strange was that on sunday. I decided that Mother nature can do whatever she wants with the weather AFTER trick or treating is over!