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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just Like Watching it on VHS, but Better...

OK...here they are. Video from the NKOTB concert on 10-21-08.

Now. Not that I'm all for making excuses. But....

I was using the Big Guy's 8.1 mega pixel camera. It has a video function. And while the image is sharper, the sound quality is (insert your own word choice here.). Therefore, before you hit "play", you may want to turn down your sound--or risk being deaf.

So, while it sounds like I'm in the middle of a hurricane and you hear nothing but women in their late 20's and early 30's screaming like they did when they were 16....you can at least experience what I experienced that evening.

I want to dedicate this post to my cousin, Jennifer. She wanted to go, but couldn't. So--this one is for you, kid.

Opening of the show. Through out this, if my hand is shaking, that is because Julie kept nudging me as we were watching it out of pure excitement.

(To see a video of their opening song--which was right after the video above was taken (minus all the screaming), click this link to the XCel Energy Center's website:

http://www.xcelenergycenter.com/videoplayer.jsp?IS_PLAY=Y&MM_FILE_ID=48 )

My Danny. Break dancing. A true kid of the 80's.

THIS is the best video. The final song was Hangin' Tough. The entire audience was doing the "Hangin' Tough arm wave". It was at this moment that I felt like it was 1989 and I was watching them for the first time.

Except at that concert I was at the far back of the arena, upper level and needed to use binoculars to see them.

1 comment:

jcbroske said...

YEAH!!! That was great! Makes me wanna go home and pop in my VHS of all the music videos I taped from MTV!!!