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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Have you been BOOED? If so...scroll to the bottom of this post for details....

Who Knew You Could Find THIS at the Goodwill?

I'd like you to meet my old roommate Jenny.

She loves Halloween.

I mean loves it.

Each year, Jenny goes to a Halloween party and each year she tries to have the best costume. This is serious business people. I thought my college friend Nancy liked Halloween. Well...Nancy now has some stiff competition.

Oh, and that sound you hear? That's Nancy, reading my blog saying "Dang! I like her costume" and typing me a furious e-mail to find out the details on how she made it.

Jenny got almost every piece of her costume at the Goodwill. So, if anyone says, "I can never find anything good at Goodwill for Halloween" isn't looking hard enough or thinking creatively. Because this costume takes the cake!

Or the plastic pumpkin full of candy. Whatever you prefer.


Jenny has been picked as a semi-finalist for a costume contest. She's asking for votes because if she wins--she gets a sweet Macbook.

The Scoop on Voting:
I have no idea why Goodwill is doing this, but you need to put in your name, address, e-mail etc. in order to vote (insert rolling eyes and head shake here). Anyone can vote regardless of the state you live in.

But, if you live in Minnesota, your info. will be put into a drawing to win a 40 inch TV. Can't complain about that!

So....if you want to throw Jenny some support, and don't mind giving out your personal info to the folks at Goodwill (regardless of the state you live in), you can click here for the link.

If you don't want to vote, but want to leave Jenny a comment about how fab her costume is--I think she'd like that too.

OK....probably not as much as the sweet Macbook, but she'd like it, I'm sure!

**Edited to add: Hey! I've been booed! And not in a bad way...a fun, halloween way! So, if I've tagged you in a comment, all you need to do is grab a copy of the photo over on the right hand navigation (It's at the top....just right click your mouse, hit "save picture as"...) and then tag a few others. Putting this on your navigation bar helps folks to see that you've already been tagged. How fun! Thanks to One Wired Woman for the fun tag!


Dorkys Ramos said...

Wow, I don't know whether I'm completely disturbed or fascinated by her costume! Great job!!

Anonymous said...

You have been bloggy boo-ed!!!!

Go to my blog and grab your "boo" sign!!! Spread the boo spirit!!

Boo... Baby Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Jill :)

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Holy Headless Horse-Girl Batman!
That'a amazing!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

That. Is. Fabulous.

Unknown said...

Hey - wandered over here from SITS - I grew up in Minnesota and just moved away last spring, so when I saw the Yeah Sure Yabetcha I KNEW where you were from!!! Gonna go peruse the rest of your blog!!!

Kara said...

This costume is fantastic. Love the ghoulish glitz!

Rachel Ann said...

LOVE the costume...I voted for her!!! I'm at the point in life that it doesn't matter who else has my email addy and info....I've entered so many contests one more doesn't matter!

Thanks for the BOO! I'm putting up right now!

Barking Mad! said...

I'm oddly fascinated by her costume. Mesmerizing.

Auds at Barking Mad!


P.S. thanks for reminding me about being Boo'd! I totally forgot I'd gotten one of those and need to pass it on.

Aleta said...

Now - THAT - is a classic! Love the costume!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Fabulous costume!! I voted for her!!

angie said...

Great costume! And what a great Saucy Blog you have!

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone who voted for my costume in the goodwill contest!!!!! I appreciate the votes!! ~Old Roommate Jenny