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Saturday, December 20, 2008

I Was THIS Close....
Since I'm semi-new to the whole blogging thing, I sometimes stumble upon people having give aways on their blog. Give aways can be big (like electronics) and some can be small (jewelry).

One of my favorite blogs to read is the Pioneer Woman. If you have not been by her site, please do. Click here to get to Ree's site.

And I'm very tempted to make these Cinnamon Rolls. I just have to be sure to give them away and no eat any of them. Last time I checked they are not on the South Beach diet. But oh how I wish they were.

Anyway, Ree was giving away 3 Kitchenaid Mixers.

I entered and when she pulled the names, she pulled "Kelley".

I freaked out!

Me? Win the grand-daddy of all mixers? On the Pioneer Woman's site? NO WAY!!

I poked around trying to find the original post and see if I was the Kelley. But I couldn't find it.

So, I sent Ree an e-mail and said, "I think I might be it...but maybe not..."

Yes. I made my mark on the Pioneer Woman's site by sending her a rambling e-mail about me, my contact information, etc. just so I could know if I won. I went back to her site and found the original post and found the post that won.

Yeah. It wasn't me.

I then had to send another e-mail to Ree saying, "Yeah, um...never mind." I sure hope I'm not the only one with a common name to do what I did.

It's totally cool that the random number generator didn't pick me--my day is coming. I can feel it!


Shelley said...

I so love the Pioneer Woman. I entered to win the mixer too. I so badly want one of those, but, alas, my number was not picked by random generator either. I'm about to get sick of that thing. I haven't won anything in months.
Boo hoo, for me. Hope you guys are doing well.

Caren said...

Laughing.. I love Ree's website too. Definitely addicted to her romance story with Marlboro man and life on the farm!