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Monday, May 11, 2009

Then I Got the Stink Eye....
This weekend my best friend, Julie, and I went out to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum to see about having the wedding out there next year. Since we're looking at May for the wedding, going out now to see the flowers, trees and other plants would give us a good indication as to what to expect for the greenery.

Oh. Did I not tell you? Yeah. I changed my mind as to where to have the wedding.

After this post, you shouldn't be surprised.

Anyway, Julie brought her little peanut, Lily with her to check out the gardens with us. Lily is 2 1/2 and has the bluest eyes & the curliest strawberry blonde hair. She's also a complete ham.

As we walked over to the Japanese Garden, the path lead down to the coy fish pond. We tried to see the fish and while we couldn't really see any, Miss Lily decided to take off her sunglasses. While holding them in her hand, she was pointing at the flowers (or a rock, or a bug, or something) across the small pond. I thought, "Oh no....those sunglasses are going to go for a dunk in that mucky coy pond...."

While I may not have children, I do know the drama of young children.

Sunglasses in the coy pond = 2 1/2 year old melt down.

So, being the good friend I am, I said to Lily, "Honey, let me hold these for you." As I gently took them out of her hand she turned around and gave me the glaring stink eye.

Oh. Yes. She. Did.

Julie said, "Oh, did she give you the stink eye? She's good at that." Which then caused Lily to turn on her little-pink-tennis-shoe-heal and head off to her mama, her curls bouncing.

Well. I guess she told me, huh?


Rebecca Jo said...

but it sounds like a cute stink eye! :o)

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Ha! I've been getting the stink eye for sixteen years. It's so funny sometimes.

Sticky said...

If this is a double post - I'm so sorry, technology hates me this month...

My 5 yo gives great stink eye - for a boy.

Dod you decide where to have the wedding? I needs to know...

The Daily Dean Chronicals said...

Haha...you got dissed by a 2.5 year old! She has sass in her...they better watch it! She will make a great CEO someday! I am glad you had a wonderful day! Keep me posted on the wedding plans! Happy monday!