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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Who Does She Think She Is?
I'm so bummed!!

Diane Keaton isn't able to answer any blogger's questions prior to the Smart Talk series this Thursday due to her busy schedule.

Come on....I had some good questions, too. It isn't every day that I get to hear about what it was like working with Jack Nicholson, when her clothing line with Ellen is coming out, and if she ever goes into her Wikipedia page and messes with the details just to see if anyone is watching.

So, I guess I'll just have to wait and see if she answers any of my questions at the Smart Talk lecture.

I'll keep you posted (hopefully we can take photos this time. Ms. Rashad said, "no" at the last lecture).


Jason, as himself said...

I'll be waiting....

How dare she be so busy!

Caren said...

Bummer...well if you have a burning desire to ask a question and get an answer ... sent it my way. Never too busy for a friend!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

She's probably decorating a fabulous kitchen somewhere!