Let's Connect!

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drawing the Line....
I need to draw the line, people. I wrote about this on my facebook page, but seriously, this is getting out of hand.

Please do not chat with me in the women's restroom.

I, like most people, go to the restroom with a purpose. I need to do my business, flush, wash my hands, and leave. A very simple process that doesn't need any extra steps.

Yesterday, I walk into the restroom and am followed by a supervisor (who I know and enjoy talking with) who proceeded to try and carry on a conversation with me as I'm sitting down to do what I need to do.

My "uh-huh" and small "yep" responses didn't phase her. I'm sorry--but I don't need to chat about my weekend, wedding planning, or student issues while sitting in the bathroom stall next to you!

Of course, I try to be polite, but really--I just want to pee and get back to my desk.

Does anyone else feel this way?


Rebecca Jo said...

I havent really thought much about it... I'm probably one of those talkers... oops!!! ;)

Tater Mama said...

Haha! Well, I haven't been to the bathroom alone in 3 years, so if I had the chance to go by myself, heck yeah, I'd want it! :)

Congratulations on the online auction, by the way.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

My kids say I talk to people I don't know all the time. I too am probably one of those bathroom talkers. YIKES!!!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Yep! Totally with ya there sister! I like my privacy in the biff.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I'm okay with talking after I exit the stall. In there? Not so much.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

BTW-I ran into the mayor of our city in the bathroom a few years ago, and she was a chatter. AWKWARD.

Caren said...

I am soooo with you on this one. I hate having to share the bathroom with anyone. I've raised kids...and lived through not having a moment to myself for years. But at work...please...go away and leave me alone!

MIITB said...

When I worked I was totally with you. All the ladies seemed to think the bathroom was a makeshift tea party without the tea.
As a SAHM, privacy and alone time doesn't exist.
Visiting from SITS

Aunt Julie said...

Yeah, I like to get my business done and get out of there. Especially at work! Stopping by from SITS with some Comment Love...

Debbie said...

I so agree! That is not the place for conversations - even on cell phones!
Dropped by from SITS.

Lysa TerKeurst said...

So funny and so true.

Thanks for popping by my blog- it's nice to meet you!

The Daily Dean Chronicals said...

Talk about POTTY talk! hahaha I hate those people too....usually a slight grunt while I am in the stall tends to ward them off! hahah I feel ya!