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Monday, June 29, 2009

Drum Roll, Please.....
The Online Silent Auction is over....another year, come and gone!

I was a little worried this year about the auction. Our team is having one heck of a time raising money this year because of the craptastic economy. So, doing this auction I was a little worried that we'd be lucky to sell half of what we received.

Only one item didn't sell--the chiropractic office gift certificate (anyone in MN need this? If so, leave me a comment and we'll chat).

After all was said and done. After my spread sheet was created. After I did some formulas and sorting. I am happy to announce that Amy's Angels 3-day Walk Team raised....



Thank you to everyone who stopped by--even if it was just to window shop! We're looking forward to next year's auction!

I'm off to go collect the Benjamin's baby....


Mommy of M's said...


Rebecca Jo said...

That's awesome! It is a VERY hard year to raise money with the economy... good job!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Way to go sister! You simply amaze me! Congratulations on another successful auction!

Unknown said...


Whats going on with NWA... (I don't hear anything over here!) after your comment I decided I better use the miles in case I don't have the options later... Will it all be Delta now?

Caren said...

Congratulations!!!!! Way to go!!!! I still wish I could have used that awesome guilt...guess I'll have to figure out how to make one on my own.