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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ask Jake, I Play the Piggy Bank Role Well...
I saw this on YouTube tonight....

For the record, when moving happens, I play the role of "supervisor" very, very well. Ask my friend, Jake. When I helped him move from one apartment to another, I was the kitchen packer, box marker and door holder.

I'm no dummy....I left the heavy lifting to cute boys.

Someone has to make sure everything is in the right place, right?


jmt said...

I am blog hopping and can I just say.....we sat down and introduced our children to Toy Story, the original last week. I loved it all over again. Now we'll introduce the second and prepare ourselves to see the third. When is it due in theaters???? I hope you are having a fabulous Friday. I'm soooo not the chipper person, but I love the word fabulous. :)

Rachel Ann said...

I saw this trailer when I was at the movie theater the other day! I'm excited for a new Toy Story...but c'mon? Do we really need to see it advertised a year in advance?

Becky said...

I love the Toy Story's !!!

Thanks so much for stopping by on my SITS day!