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Friday, July 24, 2009

Think We Should?
While we can't have amplified music at our wedding venue, THIS is different!

You have to admit--this is one hell of a way to make an entrance into your wedding!

If you want to see the couple on the Today Show, click here


Rebecca Jo said...

I just saw that this morning...

I LOVE IT... I totally totally totally would have done this at my wedding... probably giving my grandmother a heart attack - but it would have been fun!!!

Tater Mama said...

You know, I'm still not sure a church is the place for something like this, but I have to admit that I loved it! Everybody looked like they were totally on board and having fun with it! Wouldn't you love to know where the idea came from?!

Caren said...

Awesome...how much fun!

Unknown said...

I LOVED it... just shows what kind of a FUN couple they are... wish I would have thought of it! LOL

The Nice One said...

i just love it. What a way to CELEBRATE!