I've written before about the fact that I ride the bus to work. For those that take mass transit, you learn that there are "regulars" who ride the bus the same time you do.
It is not uncommon to know exactly where someone departs the bus once you get downtown. This proves to be especially helpful when you fall asleep on the bus and your stop is approaching.
Like I would know what that's like.
Anyway, the other day I'm on the bus and as we are departing the bus at my stop, one of the regular riders (who gets off at my stop too) hands me a flyer and says, "Here! You should come!" As she hands me a flyer she starts rooting around in her bag and pulls out a stack of business cards and hands me one of those too.
I made my way to the Caribou for a coffee and as I'm standing in line waiting for my coffee drink I look at the flyer & business card still in my hand and began to read it.
As I did, my eyes grew wide.
You're Invited to a Threading Party
Never heard of threading? Here's the definition: A cotton thread is pulled along unwanted hair in a twisting motion, to trap hair in a mini lasso, and lifts hair right out of the follicle.

And immediately headed for the nearest bathroom to see if I had grown something.
Like a moustache.
Or beard.
Or goatee.
Well if it's any consolation I didn't notice anything out of place on Saturday. And why in the world would you have a party to do this??? Am I missing something here???
Wow... that is pretty special. ...and painful from what I have been told.
Makes you wonder if she was trying to make a new friend??? Better ways to go about it.
Guess it was better than being invited to a "waxing" party! he he he
what a weird theme for a party...
they have that in the mall.. I heard its VERY painful...
Women...we'll have a party for anything. I guess it could have been worse. It could have been one of those parties where all of the items come in brown bags.
Seriously, I do not need to pluck my eyebrows in the company of others.
Good Tuesday morning chuckle!
You and I BOTH know that there are better ways to make friends! And, for the record, you are not a hairy girl. No. You are not. Stop touching your chin!
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