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Monday, September 07, 2009

Back Where I Come From....
There is a poem that was created a while ago at camp that talks about "where I'm from". This isn't a "where I'm from" in regards to cities and states or countries. It's about what aspects of camp make me who I am.

This weekend, I got to spend Saturday at Camp Lincoln & Camp Lake Hubert for their 100th Anniversary Celebration. As I was there, parts of this poem came to mind.


I am from long dirt paths that lead from cabin to cabin

I am from the lake that glistened and danced when the sun kicked the clouds out of the sky and that could roar and charge when the winds howled

From where the sounds of the halyards hitting the masts is mesmerizing.
From the boats which let me float across the water, from the canoes that let me glide and the horses that let me fly

From constant laughter so much my belly hurt

From found energy when I was convinced that I had none left

From where as a grown-up I remembered how to be me
From where I learned the most valuable lessons and where the people I love most are
I am from forever friendships

From a place that even when I am no longer there, I know that my heart will always be.
Thanks for a great weekend everyone!


Rebecca Jo said...

That's so cool to have a special place with such great memories...

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Beautiful. I love this!

Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Touching! And, it really tells how much this place means to you. You can take the camper out of girls camp but you can't take the camp out of the camper!

You look positively THIN MINT too!!