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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Come to Mama....
During the 3-day, I broke the Big Guy's little point and shoot camera. I thought the strap was around my wrist. It wasn't. Next thing I know, I'm picking up batteries off the sidewalk.

That's what happens when you go to high-five someone during closing ceremonies.

I brought his camera because my camera is a film camera. You know. The old kind of camera?

Anyway, I confessed to the Big Guy the other day that the camera is dead.

See ya' later, gator.

We talked about cameras and after a little research we decided on this.
Hello, lover.

Where have you been all my life?

Tracy--we need to think about some photography classes, sister! I need to work on channeling my inner Pioneer Woman.
UPDATED TO ADD: Check out the few photos I've taken. Nothing "fancy" but I love, love, LOVE the sharpness! So worth it!

The decorative towels in my kitchen that my mom made for me.

I have these land grants that my grandma had hanging in the living room. I've reframed them and have them hanging in our living room. This photo was taken from across the room!

Recognize the signature? That would be President Harrison, our 23rd President!

The tomatoes after the rain this evening. You can count the water droplets and see the "plant hair" on the branches!


Unknown said...

Oh, a new camera! That is EXCITING stuff! I hope you love it and have tons of fun with it! The best thing you can do is take LOTS of pictures. And you will get better and better! : ) Isn't it funny how something bad happening like dropping your camera can turn into something good? I love that : ) Stopping over from SITS this morning.

Rebecca Jo said...

Totally jealous!!! I've been wanting a new camera myself so tell me what you think of that one...

if I were to break my camera, my hubs would think I did it on purpose to get a new one!! hehe!!!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Oh, you're gonna love it. My inner Pioneer Woman is raging these days. I've got to find some calf nuts.

The Daily Dean Chronicals said...

Not only getting something new is fun, but a CAMERA! AWESOME! I love taking pictures and capturing that one moment! Can not wait to see the pics! Happy Wednesday!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Exciting! Enjoy your new camera. I am looking forward to seeing some pictures. The tomato picture is awesome!

Sharon said...

Oh boy am I jealous of your new camera!! I'm saving my pennies though... I'm hoping for a Nikon D60, but might have to settle for the D40... Even still that's gonna take a while!