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Monday, September 14, 2009

I Got Nothin'.....
I feel like I am fresh out of ideas to blog about. Ever feel that way?

Wedding stuff is at a stand still. So, nada.

The Big Guy took the new camera out with his buddies for the annual Gun Day and he left it in his friends car. ahem. So, can't take any photos.

I don't blog about work. So, nothing there. Though there could be stuff. But I won't.

I'd write about what a &$%@*^!# Kanye West (I don't even think I spelled it right. Whatev's) was at the VMA's, but everyone is doing that.

Blah blah blah.
Yadda Yadda Yadda.


1 comment:

The Daily Dean Chronicals said...

Sometimes nothing is nice....summer is finally here in Minnesota, even though those leaves are changing! Amen about Kayne...dude need no more press time! Ugh! Happy Tuesday!