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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

This is my last post of 2009! Holy cow...where did the year go? Then again, I say this every year, so it isn't surprising that I'm saying it. But seriously....it took me months before I could write 2009 on my checks (yes, I still write a check or two a month.).

I love blogging and plan to continue to do it in 2010. But I've decided to do a little something different with the ol' blog.

Yes, I'll still blog about the wedding (come on....that will be comedy in itself!)
Yes, I'll still blog about friends
Yes, I'll still blog about the 3-day (*cough* silent auction is in the works again *cough*)
Yes, I'll still blog about friends and their babies (BIG news coming in January. BIG!!)

But what I will also be blogging about are the changes that I'm going to make (and I'm close to talking the Big Guy into doing all of it with me....close. So, so, so close!).

No, it won't be a diet and exercise blog.
No, it won't be a love and romance blog.
No, it won't be a building a house/home remodeling blog.

This is going to be around the one thing that married couples argue about the most.


The plan?
To not buy anything new* in 2010 and to slash our grocery bill in half.

Did she just say "buy nothing new in 2010? And slash her grocery bill in half?"
Yes. Yes she did.

Tune in on Friday for details.

*OK, there is a small twist. With the wedding and other plans, we will be spending money that we have already earmarked. I'll go more into this next week.


Rebecca Jo said...


I cant wait to hear the details of that...

What an incredible goal though!!! I so badly want to get on my finances this year myself so I'm totally intrigued!

Tater Mama said...

Well, I am intrigued! I'm glad you're still going to blog about the wedding! We only know each other through the blogosphere, but I'm so excited for y'all! Love is grand and all that jazz...!

jmmarshak04 said...

Wow, that could be intersting... I look forward to hearing more.

Tara said...

I am so excited! I thought about joining you for 5 second and then immediately thought of all the new stuff I plan to buy in 2010! I failed before I even started! Good luck to you and can't wait to read about it!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

You had me at "nothing new". I'm intrigued.

I also love your new blog background. Happy New Year!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Ohhhh! Sounds VERY interesting!!!!

Happy New Year and thank you for visiting on my special SITS Day!

Amy said...

Very interesting. I'll look forward to reading about this. I've already resolved to cut way back in the new year but cold turkey (I know there will some planned exceptions!) is a bit daunting.